Thursday, September 11, 2008

English Post

I initially chose to study Japanese in high school because I was fascinated by the language itself. For most people, I think, the cultural aspect is what's most absorbing, but for me the language came first--not to say I'm not interested in the culture too, but that developed as more of a appanage.
Though I've taken a fair amount of Japanese, I have the tendency to push languages to side in pursuit of other studies (I'm trying to be honest), but I can say honestly that I don't want to do that anymore. I want to one day become fluent in Japanese, and I am vowing to myself--and now anyone reading this--that I will work hard and improve in this class.


julia said...

Cool, keep at it! You can do it!

Erich said...

Perseverance and dedication will get you there!
Let me know if I can help.


wayne wagner said...

Yes, sometimes it is easy to prioritize other subjects, but our Japanese class seems very interesting, so I'm sure you'll do a great job of keeping up with it. Good luck with the studies.

??? said...

I feel like I found a comrade-in-arms.

Stacy said...

I know what you mean about language classes. It's hard not to leave the work to the last minute when you have a zillion other things to do. I try to do my language homework first every day, before I get tired, when I'm more likely to give it the time it deserves.